April 2022 Dispatch
Greetings from the alumni council!
We are very excited to invite you to an online gathering for the members of the MCAA. It will take place on Saturday, April 30, at 3pm Eastern time on Zoom. It will be a chance for council members to share some of what we’ve been working on and what we anticipate being important going forward, and to have a conversation with association members. It will also be an opportunity to ask questions, see each other’s faces, hear each other’s voices, and socialize. This will be the first of what we hope will be a series of such gatherings on a variety of topics.
We ask that you register in advance using this form. If you choose to attend, here’s what you can expect:
Very short presentations by council members on the following topics:
Results of our membership survey
Bylaws for our association (in-progress)
The next round of council elections, upcoming in the fall
Expenses, finances, and fundraising
A Q&A with council members, and general conversation, if the size of the group allows and/or in break-out rooms
Time to socialize, together or in break-out rooms as the size of the group allows
We anticipate spending about 30 minutes on presentations and Q&A, and another 30 minutes to chat and socialize–since we know that no one wants to spend much more than an hour on Zoom! We anticipate more events of this sort in the future.
We hope you’ll sign up! And, if you know someone who isn’t yet a member, please help us expand our community reach by sharing the news. We understand not everyone in our community uses Zoom, but we want to include as many people as we can. It’s easy (and free!) to join the association for alumni, former faculty and staff, and friends of the college.
We’re really looking forward to this chance to share information and engage socially via Zoom. As always, we welcome curiosity, civility, friendliness, and community conversation, and participation is at the discretion of the moderator.
Hope to see you soon!
CJ Churchill, 1991
Dagmawi Iyasu Eminetu, 1998
Mark Genszler, 1995
Melanie Knight Gottlieb, 2002
Kate Hollander, 2002
Pamela Witte Nye, 1993
Bess Poehlmann, 1992
Amy Domrad Tudor, 1999
Ellie Roark, 2012