The Road Ahead
Marlboro College was a beacon for rigorous, individualized academic pursuit tempered by democratic community for more than 70 years. The ideals of a Marlboro education continue to be valuable. This is the place for showing up and helping to preserve its legacy.
Our Mission
Our independent association’s mission is to promote the alumni body of Marlboro College as an active partner in the college’s legacy; to give structure to the alumni body’s collective experience of their time at Marlboro College; and to support alumni initiatives in keeping the spirit of Marlboro alive.
Our Purpose
The Marlboro College Alumni Association (MCAA) aims to engage, connect, and celebrate Marlboro College alumni, harnessing their resources and energy to support the college’s legacy, embody the spirit of the college in new ways, archive memories of it, and support one another.
Our Vision
We envision an engaged alumni community working through democratic means to preserve Marlboro College’s legacy and embodying its academic and cultural ideals (in both reality and in spirit) well into the future.