Liz Crain
Candidate Profile – 2023 Alumni Council Election
Liz Crain, 2005
Liz Crain
Marlboro was my home, family, educational adventure, and playground. Here I learned academics, self-governance, enhanced community living, and social activism. My academic experience opened my eyes to lifelong learning and a passion for sociology, women's studies, as well as a continued love of art and creativity. Marlboro Outdoor Program gave me a set of professional outdoor skills I am still using today.
West Coast connection from Washington State! We need more cross-country networking, and I'd love to offer my farm as a meeting place for Marlboro gatherings, as well as writing workshops, outdoor adventuring, and continued inspiration for our greater community. Personally, I hope to learn more about what's now happening with the leftovers of our institution, and better understand (and help develop) the long-term vision of this council.
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