Bar Clarke
Candidate Profile – 2023 Alumni Council Election
Bar Clarke, 1989
Bar Clarke
My name is Bar Clarke, Class of 1989. It is hard to describe what Marlboro means to me, as my 4 years on the hill were, in a word, transformative. In hindsight, I entered Marlboro fairly cocky. My brother (Andrew Clarke, 1984) had just graduated, and I often visited him on the hill, therefore my impression of the school was a bit skewed. In looking back on it, the school took a big risk in accepting me; I was a terrible student in high school, and really had very little awareness of what actually going to college actually meant. It was during my four years at Marlboro under the tutelage of too many kind and smart people to mention that I not only found myself, but also found my passion for education; a career I am still heavily involved with today. I feel that I could offer the board a balance of what we all loved about the hill, honor our past, and embrace that times are changing and that we as Alum can continue to support each other and the mission of the school through our council. I would love to see the council continue to develop a really strong alumni network, work to continue to bring dynamic offerings to the former campus and develop social opportunities for alumni based in different parts of the world.
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